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Here are some of our satisfied customers...

Coca-Cola Ltd


Hostess Frito-Lay

The Beer Store

Ideal Supply Co. Ltd.

Flanagan Foodservice

Region of Waterloo

Grand River Transit

Sears Canada

Economical Insurance

New Orleans Pizza

Automation Tooling Systems ( A.T.S. )

Sleeman's Brewery


Habitat For Humanity

Grand River Hospital

Canadian Tire


Health Canada

Magna International Inc

Tim Hortons

Hydro One


SelectiveDouble DeepDrive-InPush BackPallet FlowStacking racksCantileverNarrow AisleUsed RackingWire Decking

Cantilever Racking

Cantilever racking is the perfect solution for storing materials that are long, bulky, heavy and difficult to store such as lumber, furniture, piping, rolls, sheet metal and bars.  Cantilever racking makes loading and unloading lengthy products much easier because there is no interference such as columns or posts. 

Operational Considerations:

  • Safe and easy way to store & retrieve product
  • Eliminates need for skids, pallets and fork entry devices
  • Increased flexability and selectivity

KW Materials can provide a new or used cantilever system to suite your budget.  Call today for a quote.

300 Trillium Dr. Unit #11, Kitchener, ON N2E 2K6